Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Daughters of Salem

The Daughters of Salem How we sent our children to their deaths: Part 1 by [Thomas, Gilbert]
Photo taken from amazon because I do not have a physical copy of the book.

'The Daughters of Salem: How we sent our children to their deaths part 1' is a historical fiction graphic novel that depicts the events leading up to the Salem witch trials where innocent girls were put to death. Through the point of view of Abigail Hobbs; a 14 year old girl who has just become a women in the eyes of the whole town, we see the events and circumstances that cause the people of Salem to feel fear, anger, hatred, and ultimately lead them to committing violent acts both against the native peoples who surround the town as well as to each other.

I really like how the story unfolds through Abigail. when she talks or explains things we get to see them laid out in front of us on the panels. For example when the towns people talk of seeing the devil out in the woods, We get to see the whole story played out the way she imagines it looking based on their details. Each person talking about the same thing but it looks different in every story.

This was a very quick read and  honestly can't wait to pick up a copy or for part 2

Follow me on Instagram @ybarra_bookstacks

Professional Reader

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