Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Harry Potter and the Death Day Party (Year 2)

We have been in quarantine for about two weeks now give or take and damn I have never been on Facebook as much as I have been these past few weeks! Even while I'm scrolling through social media on my phone I'm thinking to myself, 'WOW I have really been sitting here on my phone alone for HOURS sharing memes and watching cooking videos when I could be reading'. (I have also surprisingly watched little to no TV since quarantine started.) But I'm not the only one with their face super glued to a screen. We pretty much all are now. So I decided that every time I catch myself on my phone doing literally nothing that I would put the phone down and pick up a book instead.

I finished Salem's Lot just before quarantine started going into effect, and I mean like one or two days before. I had considered going to Half Price the week before the outside world went crazy for toilet paper to both unhaul some books and to hunt down a copy of 'The Shining' so that I could continue to read Stephen Kings books in order from publication date. I ended up being lazy and enjoyed having the house to myself instead. I later came to regret this while in quarantine but not too much. so ill be putting my Stephen King reading list on hold for a bit, and maybe it was just what I needed, so that I can finally read all of the unread books in my collection. Ok ok...lets be real, I have a lot of unread books like many other book lovers, I might not get to them all right away and reading slumps are real. 

I decided it was best to start off with something light after finishing 'Salem's Lot' which had been heavy. So I picked up where I had left off with the 'Harry Potter' series and set myself to re-reading 'the Chamber of Secrets' and even started a 'Harry Potter' movie marathon with my sister that lasted about a week in which we finished the first 'Fantastic Beasts' movie and went all the way down the timeline to 'The Deathly Hallows'. After finishing the marathon I also finished reading 'Chamber of Secrets' so I figured I might as well do what I did last time and go over what happened in the movie that didn't make it into the books. Here we GO!

Quote from the book that feels relevant during Quarantine:

"I'll be in my room making no noise and pretending that I don't exist"

Dobby's eyes in the hedge grow

Much like Draco Malfoy we meet or rather see Dobby in the book earlier then we do in the movie. While harry is sitting in the back yard of the Dursley house singing himself happy birthday he looks up to see two big eyes staring back at him from the hedge, and later meets Dobby in his bedroom upstairs (aftercleaning an doing gardening for a dinner party the Dursley's were having that day = book part) as shown in the movies.

The Vanishing Cabinet

This one is more of a guess of what may be revealed later in the series. That the cabinet that Harry hides in then he comes through the chimney in 'Borgin and Burkes' (via floo powder) the antique shop down Knockturn Alley, when he was hiding from the Malfoy's, may in fact be the vanishing cabinet used in 'Half Blood Prince'.

Garden Gnomes

After Fred, George and Ron Weasley rescue Harry from the Dursley home in their fathers illegal flying car, Mrs. Weasley gets mad at them like any mother would after finding out her underaged sons had stolen the family car and drove in half way across the county and back again and promptly gives them chores to do as punishment. She wasn't forcing Harry to help them but he volunteered to do so. The chore was to clean the garden gnomes out of the garden. Harry soon found out that these were not the cute little statues that looked like mini santas that muggles adorn their flower patches and front yards with, they were a whole other creature altogether. Literally. The Weasley boys then goon to show Harry how to de-gnome a garden. Which starts off by catching a gnome, grabbing it by the head/hair/limb whichever you grabbed first really, making it dizzy by twirling it or shaking it around then throwing it as far away as you can from the garden. Talk about magical creature abuse, which I thought about a lot whenever Dobby made his way back into the story.


Filch the caretaker of Hogwarts catches Harry walking in the castle after hours and takes him back to his office. while Filch is finding the right papers to write up Harry an explosion or loud bang goes off directly above the office. Filch runs out of the office determined to catch Peeves the ghost who he assumes has done this because apparently he does things like this the Filch a lot. Harry being a good person stays in the office even though he wasn't told to and could have easily gotten away. he gets curious and picks up a letter on Filch's desk. It is from Quickspell. The letter goes on to say how they have helped many a witch and wizard who are having trouble with their magic. Harry putts the letter back on the desk before Filch returns, but upon his return he sees that the letter is out of place. He accuses harry of reading it, which harry denies. Filch continues to freak out and ends up sending Harry on his way without writing him up after all. 
Quickspell we learn later helps squibs (people who were born into wizard families who either have no magic or can't control it well) with their magic.

The Headless Hunt

Nearly Headless Nick had ultimately been the one to save Harry from Filch. He convinced peeves to drop the cabinet above Filch's office to try to save Harry from punishment and it worked. Nick had been telling Harry that he was trying to get into 'The Headless Hunt' which from the sound of it is basically a fraternity/club for headless ghosts. His applications kept getting denied by the Hunt because Nicks head is still attached to his body by and inch or so of skin so he wasn't actually headless and would be able to really compete in headless games. Nick asks Harry if he would come to his death day party on Halloween to talk him up to the leader of the Headless Hunt.

The Death Day Party

 Harry had agreed to go to Nearly Headless Nick's death day party instead of the Halloween not only for himself but for Hermione as well. He wanted to back out but they decided to go because they had already told him they would go, and of course Ron tagged along. The party is held in one of the dungeons. The trio are the only humans at the party. They say hello to Nick then kind of just stay out of the way not wanting to accidentally walk through any of the ghosts. They soon realize that there is a food table and run over to it only to realize that all of the food is rotten, old and moldy. Their attempt to talk up Nearly Headless Nick to the Headless hunt didn't work out. After they leave Harry hears the basalisk voice and follows it until the group finds the words written in blood on the wall and Mrs.Norris (Filch's cat) petrified and hanging.

Hufflepuff Beef

After Lockhart and Snake do their dueling lesson with the second years a group of Hufflepuffs begin talking about harry and start confrontations with him because they think he is the heir of Slythrine and that he is going after one of the muggle born Hufflepuffs

Valentines Day Dwarfs

For Valentines Day Professor Lockhart  had dwarfs who would hunt down students and either sing or recited poems to them from their valentines. One caught Harry on the stairs while he was on his way to class. he tried to get away but the dwarf tripped him, then sat on him and recited a poem someone had written for him and it goes like this:

His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad,
His hair is as dark as a blackboard,
I wish he was mine,
he’s really divine,
The hero who conquered the Dark Lord

We find out directly after that is was Ginny who sent him the Valentine, and that is also when Ginny comes to realize that Harry has Tom Riddle's diary

The Teachers Lounge

When Ron and Harry are trying to tell the teachers that they think they know where the entrance to the chamber of secrets is they go directly to the teachers lounge. When they are in there an announcement goes out for all students to return to their dorms. After this all of the teachers enter the lounge and talk about how Ginny has been taken into the chamber and all of the other students will be sent home in the morning. In the movie this happens in the hallways.

The Weasleys being at Hogwarts

After Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Lockhart escape from the chamber they go immediately to the headmasters office. there they find Mr. and Mrs.Weasley as well as Dumbldore and McGonagall 

The Sock that almost didn't free Dobby

In the movie Harry asks Dumbledore if he can keep Tom Riddle's diary. He takes his sock off and puts it inside. After giving the diary to Lucius Malfoy he hands it to Dobby who finds the sock inside and is set free because Malfoy unknowingly handed clothing.

In the book both Harry and Dumbledore outright accuse Malfoy of being responsible for Ginny getting the diary. When he leaves Harry asks Dumbledore if he can return the diary to Mr. Malfoy.
Harry takes off his sock and put the diary into the sock. When he hands the sock to Mr. Malfoy he rips the sock off of the diary and throws it aside. Dobby just happens to catch the sock and be set free.  I can see why this was changed in the movie because it looks more like harry was meant to have set Dobby free rather then he caught the sock by chance

Percy's sub plot

Percy Weasley was showed a little more and was mentioned to be acting strangely nearly every time he was brought up. It isn't said why until the end when Ginny revealed she had accidentally walked in on him and his girlfriend in an empty classroom.

Next up:

I'll be starting Prisoner of Azkaban as pictured to the left.

I'm sure there are other details I have forgotten. But those were the ones that stuck out to me the most.
If there are any more you can think of comment below!

Here is the link for the comparison I did between  the Philosophers Stone book and Movie ---> Harry Potter and Norbert's Great Escape