Sunday, August 12, 2018

Harry Potter and Norbert's great escape

Harry Potter and What You Missed if You Didn't Read the First Book


The Harry Potter books may be coming into their 20 year marks but not everyone who grew up with the
series (Movie and book alike) have read the books or completed the series. I know that may make more
than one person *gasp* and faint on the inside but we all know its the truth and I will be the first to say
that in my youth I never made it past the third book, nor had I ever owned one of the books, and perhaps
that was what was holding me back. In the summer of 2017 however I took a trip abroad to London and
Edinburgh and decided to pick up the new editions that came out in the UK for the 20th anniversary of
the Philosopher's Stone. I’ve decided that as I finish the books I will compare the parts that aren't in the
movies or have been changed, there will be one post per book. We probably won’t go into the Fantastic
Beasts and Where to Find them or the Cursed Child books unless requested or decided upon later down
the line (So let me know if that interests anyone). I guess now would be the best time to Jump right in…

The Day Harry became known as “The Boy Who Lived”
The book begins earlier then the movie. We are first introduced to the Dursley's and get to follow
Vernon throughout his day as he goes to work and notices many suspicious things and weirdly dressed
people who all seem to be celebrating and in such a good mood. What Vernon was witnessing though he
didn't know it, was the wizarding world in celebration that the dark lord had been defeated and wizards,
witches, and owls were all out and about in the muggle world without a care and the muggles began to

Aunt Petunia's Hair
This ones not as big I suppose. Many characters traits from books don’t always get translated into
the movies. Aunt Petunia as well as Dudley are both blond in the books but have dark hair in the movies.

Meeting Draco

In the movie as we all know we meet Draco just outside the great hall when he introduces himself as
well as his minions to Harry. In the books this conversation actually takes place on the Hogwarts Express
during Harry and Draco’s second meeting. Yes, I said second! Harry first meets Draco on Diagon Alley
in Madam Malkin's Robe Shop where most of the talking is done by Draco and Harry never actually tells
him his name.

Kings Cross

Hagrid doesn’t drop Harry off at Kings Cross after taking him to get all of his school supplies. He returns
him to Privet Drive and the Dursley’s. The Dursley’s drop Harry off at Kings Cross laughing about the
fact that there is no such thing as Platform 9¾ (But we all know better…).

The Ghosts

In the movie we are only ever formally introduced to nearly headless Nick, though we see that there are
other ghosts wandering the halls of hogwarts. We miss out completely on the relationship between the
Bloody Baron, and Peeves the Poltergeist

The Sorting Hat

The Sorting Hat performs a song for the first years before McGonagall starts calling them up to be sorted
and it goes like this:

‘Oh, you may not think I’m pretty,
But don’t judge on what you see,
I’ll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat then me.
You can keep your bowlers black,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I’m the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.
There’s nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can’t see,
So try me on and I will tell you
where you ought to be.
You might belong to Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave of heart,
Their daring, nerve and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart,
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil,
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you’ve a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind,
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You’ll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means
To achieve their ends.
So put me on! Don’t be afraid!
And don’t get in a flap!
You’re in safe hands (though I have none)
For I’m a thinking cap!’

The Mirror of Erised:

When harry looks into the mirror it is more than just his parents he sees standing behind him like we are
lead to believe in the movie. Harry sees many people who are described to have similar traits to his own
and whom are assumed to be his family and ancestors on his father's side.

Sending Norbert to Romania:

Dumbledore sends Norbert to Romania in the movie and that's the end of it. In the book Hermione and
Harry struggle carrying Norbert in a crate while hiding under the invisibility cloak. They make their way
all the way up to the astronomy tower to meet up with some of Charlie’s friends, who put Norbert in a
harness to be carried between their broomsticks to take him to Charlie in Romania. Also charlie is Ron’s
older brother whom they wrote to about the situation and pick up if that needed to be clarified!


Our trio do not gain detention with Draco because they were caught out of bed at Hagrid’s hut by Draco.
Instead Hermione, and Harry are caught leaving the astronomy tower (where they took Norbert to be
picked up) because they forgot Harry’s invisibility cloak in the tower. Draco was Caught trying to catch
them with the dragon, and Neville was also caught out of bed trying to warn Harry about Draco.

The Centaurs:

We find out while the group is in detention that the Dark Forest is home to many magical creatures. The
centaurs that the group happen upon can be described as appearing to be CP characters, like from a video
game. When they would be asked a question they would simply repeat a line they had said before while
looking up to the sky.

The Nimbus 2000:

We all remember the excitement that ensued when Harry’s broom arrived in the great hall. In the book it
was a little different. Harry was told to keep his broom, and his spot on the quidditch team secret. One
reason was that first years are not allowed to keep their own brooms on campus, the second is that
McGonagall wanted it to be a surprise, that Harry was her “secret weapon”.

The Tasks:

There were seven tasks, seven obstacles set in place to guard the stone by 7 trusted people:

Fluffy -- Hagrid
Devil’s Snare -- Sprout
The Charmed Keys -- Flitwick
Giant Wizards Chess Board -- McGonagall
A Mountain Troll -- Quirrell
A Potions Riddle -- Snape
The Mirror of Erised -- Dumbledore

Both Quirrell and Snape's obstacles were not included in the movie.

Fun Facts:

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone (as it was originally published in the UK and in every other part of the world except for the US it seems) has its title changed for sales in the US. I have never found out the reason as to why. Most Americans don’t even know it has been changed in US editions of the books or movies for that matter which also have changed wording based on where in the world you buy your copies. I Prefer the original UK version because it gives it all so much more substance and history. The Philosopher’s stone has real lore in human history, and countless stories of people who wish to obtain or create it. To me it makes the plot that much thicker!

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