Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Don't Get Discouraged in Bookstores

Bookstores can be daunting for readers and non readers alike. It doesn’t matter if it’s a small shop or a large chain bookstore, for some people one shelf can be overwhelming. Here are some things to keep in mind that might make the experience smoother and some you might not have known:
  1. Most bookstores, including second hand book stores have signs either on the book shelves themselves or hanging around the store that tell you what genre or age appropriate books are in what areas.
  2. Its not required but its a good idea to have a list or to keep in mind certain books you are looking for because once everything is in front of you the possibilities are endless and you just might forget why you came in the store in the first place. I implement this especially in second hand book stores because the selections are at most times unpredictable and it's easy for us booklovers to get carried away.
  3. Second hand bookstores may arrange their books in ways that a big chain stores would not. Bigger bookstores keep hardcover and paperbacks of the same books on the same shelf, but second hand bookstores have a bit more freedom. For example at Half Price Books, there are separate areas of the store dedicated to hardcover books and paperbacks. Because of this I often have to remind myself to check both sections. This bit of information is something I didn't know for the longest time and it has really helped me recently especially collecting old science fiction books.
  4. Don't be afraid to ask for help looking for a book if you don't know what part of the store it might be in. I’ve noticed that book store employees are less likely to come up and ask if a customer needs help then almost anywhere else but its not because they don't want to help you. Most employees are book lovers themselves and know that most of us like to be left alone when we are among bookstacks so we can adequately explore, or internally debating with ourselves about if we really need the whole stack of books we have been juggling for the last thirty minutes. But when you do ask for help on a certain book make sure you at least know title or author, searches can’t be done by book color.
  5. Bookstores don't just sell books anymore. Many different things can be bought at bookstores, such as: journals, CD’s, vinyl records, gameboards/card games, collectable figures and toys, comic books, coffee, snacks, etc. 
  6. Second hand stores often have a section where they keep their rare or higher priced items. Sometimes these are shelves with locked doors and other times its the wall behind the registers. I highly recommend going and taking a look even on these shelves you can be surprised what you find.
  7. When going to sell your books to secondhand bookstores keep in mind that you won't get half of what you paid for the books in the first place. You are likely to get more from more relevant and in demand books then for what everyone was going crazy over last year. But sometimes money is money and you will take what you can get and don’t be ashamed of it.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Indecent Reflections

Have you ever thought about mirrors?
Most people look into a mirror at least once a day.
We go out of our way for just one more glance,
and why wouldn't we.
We were born into a world where there are such things as beauty standards.
Where in its earliest introduction into the home,
the mirror only furnished the walls of the very wealthy.
A sign of power and beauty.

Sometimes I feel that we like the vain act of peering into the looking glass,
because it gives us the chance to see ourselves as others do.
In fact I know we do.
We love and obsess over it,
just as we obsess over the way others see us and how they perceive us to be.

The eyes of others always have been and always will be the original mirrors.
We see ourselves when we look into another persons eyes.
The person they see us to be.
The version of us they themselves have made us out to be.
We like the way we look in some peoples eyes more than others.
The same way we like the way certain people look at us more than others.

They were right when they said that the eyes are the window to the soul.
The only question now is,
when I look into your eyes is it your soul I'm seeing or is it the reflection of my own?
And if it is my soul, is it reflected back at me in its entirety,
or is it only the pieces of myself that I have allowed you to see
and the blank spaces you have filled in?

What vain little creatures we are,
that we would look in the eyes of another with only the hope of finding ourselves there...

~ Elyza Ybarra

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Order in Which to Read Stephen King Books


To the average reader it is understood that unless a book is part of a series, It is simply a standalone. When it comes to Stephen King books however the rules don't apply. No one Stephen King book is a standalone, even his book series' connect to the rest. In fact the Dark Tower itself is known among King fans to be at the center of it all. 

I have said before that I have come into it late in the game. I have only started to collect King's works within the past year and a half, I but have always been a fan of the movies. I had gotten my first king book when I was in middle school but I never finished it. The truth is I wasn't ready. I may have been tested to be several grades ahead in reading but Middle Grade books consumed all of my free time and I wasn't ready for real substance yet. 

It wasn't until my second year of college that I realized my reading tastes had graduated to classics and fiction that didn't come from the Children's or YA sections of bookstores. It was around this time that I decided I would try again. When I find I like something I tend to become obsessive. Not in a bad way but I did research what would be the best way to start reading King and got relatively the same answer everywhere I looked. START FROM THE BEGINNING. The beginning of course being 'Carrie'. 

Now I've found that the reason behind this is that the linking of the books, characters, towns (that only exist in his works), and events starts right at the beginning. If you were to jump around, you would be drowning in Easter eggs you didn't even know were right in front of you. My first King book that I mentioned above was 'Cujo'. So...the very first page of 'Cujo', completely gives away the ending to King's book 'The Dead Zone' which was published two years before 'Cujo' and who's characters also play a role in both books, which both take place in CASTLE ROCK. This is just one example and that is only the first page of one book. Both stories have had Easter eggs in the show by the way! 

I bring all of this up for two reasons:
  1. Its something that anyone who wants to start reading King should know.
  2. I get asked by people who don't read King why I have 17 King books but have not read them all. The thing about that is I want to read them in order because I want to make those connections, but I also have a personal goal to own them all in hardcover. for anyone who knows, King paperbacks practically get their own couple of bookshelves at second hand book stores and when they do have the hardcovers, the better looking the copy the higher the price.

If you would like a list of Stephen Kings books in publication order, I have made my own list in another post that I update with every new book release/release date announcement. 
The link to that post is here --->  Stephen King Book Checklist

King has effectively built his own universe and its ours to roam, just be careful there is a lot to fear out there and remember

Follow me on instagram @ybarra_bookstacks

Thursday, September 13, 2018

There Was Something on the Moon

Halt Passenger!
As you are now, so once was I.
As I am now, so shall you be.
Prepare for death, and follow me.
- New England gravestone motto


'Rouge Moon' is the first book by Algis Budrys that I have ever read, but it will likely not be my last. Its no surprise that I would like the science fiction book as it is one of the main genres that I read. Some of my favorites being 'The Transall Saga' and 'A Princess of Mars'.

Algis Budrys does a good job of building up his characters but sadly not much else. More than half of 'Rouge Moon' is spent on getting to know our very 'Great Gatsby' like characters. Anyone who knows me knows that I detest how despicable the characters of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s most celebrated work are written. The movie adaptations however hold a place in my heart. Even though I also feel this way about the characters in 'Rouge Moon' it was the science fiction aspect that kept me hooked.

Dr. Edward Hawks is the lead scientist of a US government operation on the moon. However Dr. Hawks has never set foot on the moon himself. Instead he has created a machine that works as a 3D printer for genetic material. A person goes in to the machine and is cloned not once but twice. One clone is transmitted and comes to life in Dr. Hawks lab on earth and the other is transmitted to the moon. the body that originally went into the machine is no more. Both new clones share the same brain, and the clone that stays in the lab is kept in a dark and confined space so that it may witness everything that its other copy endures while on the moon. Unfortunately this also means the pain and experience of death. Once the clone in the lab is taken out of its confinement its brain separates from the other clone as it has its own experience and lives its own life. However so far all of the men whose clones Dr. Hawks has sent up to the moon and have shared the experience of death have suffered mentally, some even catatonic because of the experience. This changes when Dr. Hawks is introduced to Al Barker, a man unafraid of death and the only man to go into the machine and come out relatively sane.

Buy why send men up to the moon this way, and for what purpose when man has already successfully made it to the moon through space craft? Well while on the moon the US discovered a machine, a maze really that is completely booby trapped and has killed everyone who has ventured into it. By sending men to the moon the way he has Dr. Hawks is able to get a play by play from the clone still in the lab of the events going on in the machine on the moon. the government wants to know how to safely walk through the machine and come out the other side so they might figure out how to deconstruct it, weaponize it and use it to the US governments advantage.

"I looked at the stars, which are distant suns, and the night, which is the earth's shadow, and the snow, which is water undergoing a state-change, and I took the tears in my eyes and I made a wonderland."

Overall 'Rouge Moon' was fast paced which may be a reason that I didn't mind the characters as much as I did in 'The Great Gatsby' where there are literally whole pages dedicated to listing names of people who attended Gatsby's party. F Scott Fitzgerald really liked to fill his pages with lists in all of his writing, it just gets to be too much sometimes. I know a lot of people get defensive when I talk bad of 'The Great Gatsby' but that is just my opinion, and you have a right to your own.

Follow me on Instagram @ybarra_bookstacks 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Siren and the Specter

Our main character David is a known skeptic who is invited to places said to be haunted. He is known for debunking the places he visits in his books where he writes about his supernatural experiences, or rather the lack there of.

When David is asked by an old friend to return to a town that was once their old college stomping grounds, he finds himself staying at the Alexander House. The goal for Chris and his wife is to turn the old house into a tourist attraction. To David Cain however the Alexander House is much more than just another job. It is also the house that David's idol and predecessor, John Weir went missing from. Weir's name has since been slandered by "true believers" as the skeptic who was killed by what he proclaimed didn't exist. The fact that Weir' body was never found makes the whole affair that much more of a mystery. With his book David wishes to honor Weir in a way, giving him the respect the man truly deserves but first he must survive a month in the Alexander House.

The twists and turns in this book will have you constantly questioning who can be trusted and what can be possible. Though we may come to some realizations before David, we are still rattled by his thoughts and questions even when we think the answers are solid and clear which I feel sets the book apart.

I like That David takes the time to think and asses the situations he finds himself in instead of running blindly into things the way so many horror characters do. Its refreshing not to be yelling "DON'T GO INTO THAT ROOM" to horror characters who can't hear you or take your advice. Jonathan Janz pulls away from the cliches of the horror genre to give us main characters who can remain somewhat composed in high tress level situations.

The only thing that really bugged me about this book is that all of the women that David encounters seem to have it out for him, almost collectively at times. Whenever he is around female characters he is constantly being accused (by the characters themselves) of sexualizing them when he is just trying to get answers, save some kids and survive! They only ease up on him when he starts dating one of them which is all kinds of fucked up. Though I am a woman who takes offence at this, I also understand that there are women in the world who are actually like this. It is just how quickly it all seems to end that had me a bit shook up.

Are ghosts real or is this all just another hoax...

Follow me on Instagram @ybarra_bookstacks 

Professional Reader

Friday, September 7, 2018

So Much I Want To Tell You

I have followed and watched Anna Akana's videos on youtube for the past 4+ years of my life. Her videos are very comedic but hold a good amount of truth and support for Akana herself as well as her fan base. Akana is the kind of person who isn't afraid to open up to her fans which is exactly what she is doing again in her book 'So Much I Want To Tell You'.

Anna Akana is a Comedian, Actor, Director, Producer, Youtube Personality. She also has her own clothing line, and has directed and produced her own short films and TV shows. Akana has her own show on Youtube red called 'Youth & Conciquences' as well as her show 'Miss 2059' which was picked up after she got such a good responce on her short film 'Miss Earth'. Akana is also a suicide prevention advocate.

Akana's Book is titled 'So much I want to tell you: letters to my little sister'. She has been open with fans before in videos about her sister Kristina's suicide. Through her book as well as her channel Anna has shared her story for Kristina and every other girl out their.

I liked reading Akana's book because reading it you can really hear her voice. Its almost as is if she is talking to you from one of her Youtube videos. The book is divided into sections where she talks about her career, her health (both mental and physical) and relationships. Akana goes over many topics at different lengths. There are moments where she really digs deep and talks about her problems with depression that she has had since her sisters suicide, moments where I had to put the book down and just let the tears fall. Moments that the wounds from my own loss demanded to be heard  and told me "you do those things", "you feel that way", all the while realizing I had not wanted to believe it until now, until I knew that someone else had these feelings too.

Another thing I liked about Akana's book is that when she brings up topics and situations she has had in her life she will also mention the title of one of her Youtube videos that she had made while those situations were going on in her life. This also helps to set up a timeline for fans to follow while reading her book. 

One of Akana's Chapters in her book is called 'Take Your Birth Control'. Akana also made this chapter into a Youtube video posted on her channel when the book was released to give her fan base a taste of what was to come. this is the video posted above. the chapter of her book and the video itself may as well be word for word. If your thinking about picking up the book watch the video!

Below will be a couple of videos from her that I often think about at the most random times:

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Stephen King Book Checklist

This is a checklist that I made and have started to keep up to date myself as new release dates are announced and books are released. I will now keep it up to date on here as well. It is in order by book publication date (because continuity matters) :

For the convenience of us both this information is now located on its own page of my blog where it is more easily accessible. Here is the link Stephen King Reading List
  • 1974 Carrie 
  • 1975 'Salem's Lot 
  • 1977 Rage
  • 1977 The Shining
  • 1978 Night Shift
  • 1978 The Stand
  • 1978 The Long Walk
  • 1979 The Dead Zone
  • 1980 Firestarter
  • 1981 Roadwork
  • 1981 Cujo
  • 1981 Danse Macabre
  • 1982 The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger 
  • 1982 The Running Man 
  • 1982 Different Seasons
  • 1983 Christine
  • 1983 Pet Sematary
  • 1984 The Talisman
  • 1984 Thinner
  • 1985 Cycle of the Werewolf 
  • 1985 Skeleton Crew
  • 1986 IT
  • 1987 The Eyes of the Dragon
  • 1987 The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three
  • 1987 Misery 
  • 1987 The Tommyknockers
  • 1989 The Dark Half
  • 1990 Four Past Midnight
  • 1991 Needful Things
  • 1991 The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands
  • 1992 Gerald's Game
  • 1993 Dolores Claiborne
  • 1993 Nightmares and Dreamscapes
  • 1994 Insomnia
  • 1995 Rose Madder
  • 1996 Desperation
  • 1996 The Regulators
  • 1996 The Green Mile
  • 1997 The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass 
  • 1998 Bag of Bones
  • 1999 The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon 
  • 1999 Hearts in Atlantis 
  • 2000 On Writing
  • 2001 Dreamcatcher
  • 2001 Black House 
  • 2002 From A Buick 8
  • 2002 Everything's Eventual: 14 Dark Tales
  • 2003 The Dark Tower V: The Wolves of the Calla 
  • 2004 The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah
  • 2004 The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower
  • 2005 The Colorado Kid
  • 2006 Cell
  • 2006 Lisey's Story
  • 2007 Blaze 
  • 2008 Duma Key
  • 2008 Just After Sunset
  • 2009 Under the Dome
  • 2010 Full Dark, No Stars
  • 2011 11/22/63
  • 2012 The Dark Tower: The Wind Through the Keyhole
  • 2013 Joyland
  • 2013 Doctor Sleep
  • 2014 Mr. Mercedes
  • 2014 Revival
  • 2015 Finders Keepers 
  • 2015 The Bazaar of Bad Dreams 
  • 2016 End of Watch 
  • 2017 Sleeping Beauties 
  • 2018 The Outsider 
  • 2018 The Body 
  • 2018 The Mist 
  • 2018 Flight or Fright 
  • 2018 Elevation